I 3d-printed my own keyboard! The keyboard is called Redox so I did not design it myself. I got the switches by desoldering them from a keyboard that I bought used. The swithes are cherry mx red and are externally lubed with some PTFE-sprary. I also got some o-ring for them so that they are quiet. It is a split keyboad so that you can have your mouse in between. I did all of the soldering myself and there is no pcb for the switches. In each keyboard half there is a microcontroller (arduino micro so that it can emulate a usb-keyboard). It is running the open-source keyboard firmware QMK that I have configured to my liking. It connect to the computer via a removable micro-usb cable. The halves are connected with a cable that i made myself with some JST-connectors. The halves communicate with eachother via I2C.